Girls weekend in Goderich
In hindsight we should have taken the fireball away from Becky. They, as in people who have nothing better to say, say that hindsight is 20/20. Although, what do they mean by that. For example, I felt bad only a few hours after she passed out for not taking the bottle away but how long will it take for me to feel bad about other events of that night. Maybe only a few years later will I say “in hindsight…” So which sight is better, the knowing right away or knowing two years down the road? Anyways, Becky was so excited about us Aylmer girls coming to Goderich to see her that she wanted to be drunk and have a good time. Unfortunately she passed out before the concert and missed out on the fun. I was almost certain that I wasn’t going to be able to enjoy the night and rather have to stay at Becky’s and watch a movie or something but thanks to prune juice and vanilla extract I was feeling much better. See the quecidella’s (spelling) that I had at lunch were much too greasy and plugged my system up. Every attempt was unsuccessful until my constipation changed to diarreah (spelling) in a matter of moments. But I will spare the details and just say that I had a great night despite the pain.
On another note I miss Mike. Not as a partner but his friendship. He doesn’t seem to want to talk to me lately. I’ve needed his friendship throughout the last six months and he’s been very nice in giving it to me, even though I don’t seem deserving. But I can’t hold on to him if he doesn’t want to hold on. I broke up with him and if he wants to move on with his life and let me go then I have to go and respect that.
Also, thanks Sarah for the comment on my last blog. I guess I never really give questions for people to answer or say things for people to comment on, but your comment made me smile for getting feedback. Hopefully i will have more interesting blogs to come, i just need some inspiration and the motivation for writing again.