Girls and Boys
I sat behind the driver, M, on the way to the beach yesterday. Her, B, MB and I drove to Port Stanley to see J who was working at the bar on the beach. On our 45 minute drive the three took turns complaining about their boys.
MB complained that N made a comment about her weight and even though he apologizes shortly after he still says it, it hurts. His apologies sound cute and I feel that MB should just learn to smile it off. But I understand the pain every hurtful word brings even if it’s taken back. B explains that rather then doing something romantic for their one year he is taking her to the racetracks, she’d rather do wine sampling in Niagara Falls or stay the night in a hotel but there isn’t any compromise and she hates it. M is in a rough spot, her man has accepted a job in TO and the long distance is straining. She’s tired of trying and he doesn’t seem to be putting in an effort and she’s wondering if the new guy is worth a try. That’s even before J explained her bf’s attitude.
And I’ve never been more zen-ed out. I’m wearing my beige American Eagle capries and my white Indian style shirt with a sexy white tank top underneath, the lightness is soothing. I sit there and listen and bring up creative lines to match what the ladies have quoted their men as saying. My solution to their attitude problem is to withhold sex, however, I’ve tried that method of getting what I want and I’m normally the one who caves. But if you can and are upset with something enough, then it seems like a great idea. I don’t have boy problems, I don’t have a boy and the issues I have are minimal and will sort themselves out when the time comes.
One point of new information: B has explained that it was good that I got as sick as I did that one weekend because I helped her realize she still had feelings for G. I don’t feel like it was worth it though. Maybe some good came of my nausa but if she wanted to know her true feelings for him, I or anyone who’s ever heard her talk about her current and her ex G could tell her how she feels.
And you, what made you want to venture back into the whelm of my thoughts. Do I amuse you? Have I sparked a desire for you to know and want to be updated on my life? What is it that you want to know and why do you care? My times sitting with friends and hearing their problems have created a sense of apathy and now you’ve masked it with thoughts of confusion. I’m assuming it’s you, it may not be though, but that’s what’s on my mind. Don’t email me about it and don’t comment, do whatever floats your boat.