Thursday, July 06, 2006

The Long Ride

I guess the frontal lobe of their brain is still developing. That’s what I’ve been told. They lack reason and logic. And I think back to when I was them. I was them, but now, seven years later I have reason and logic and I forget that they don’t. And my frustrations begin.

Two days ago, on their first day, I brought them to the head office and sat in with them while they signed their life away amongst a million papers. You know the first day stuff. I was there with them when the lady explained that they needed to get their void checks/banking information in to me before Thursday, they also needed their birth certificates and SIN numbers. I was there and I took the blame for not telling them ahead of time to bring it with us on our first day. I reminded them each night to get those in to me. It’s their first check, not mine, they should remember what they needed. However, all hell almost broke loose when the day started out with a phone call from the lady at head office asking for the info. I hadn’t faxed it yet and I felt bad for holding onto the information but wanted to send it all in a package, makes sense right. I reminded them but still two of my four showed up this morning without the information. We were out all day and I thought I was going to have to deal with tears. I didn’t want to deal with it and I wanted to tell them all off. “It’s not my check on the line, it’s yours so why can’t you remember what I’ve reminded you twice in two days for!” And then I remembered that they don’t think with reason yet.


It’s my third day with the kids and I haven’t yet put my foot down. I’m not a threat to them, and my authority has no bearing on their behaviour. I want them to say how high, when I say jump. Maybe tomorrow or the next day. I’m not holding my breath though, I think this may be the long ride.


Blogger Sarah said...

If it was only 7 years ago, they should have that stuff by now. What they don't have that you do is experience.

Go ahead, put your foot down! It will feel good :)

5:18 p.m.  

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