Saturday, September 23, 2006

Having Strep

This is one of those pointless 3am blogs. Um. well it's a blog so 'pointless' can relate to most of my blogs.

I find that when I fall asleep early on in the night I don't sleep as well as if I went to bed later like 11ish -12. I discovered I have strep throat and because of that I think I was more fatigued then if I didn't have it. (And it was a friday night, unless you made plans with friends a head of time, you don't go out. So then what's left to do?)

So yeah, my trip to the walk-in clinic was quite eventful. My throat didn't hurt, but it looked extremely gross and since I have all this time on my hands i figured that maybe I should fix a potentially dangerous situation. So I ventured to the medical centre my neighbour suggested to me. I walked into a room full of children and feared i had the wrong place. I didn't so that was great. The wait wasn't that long and I was probably out of there within an hour.

At the sight of my throat the doctor told me that it was either a case of Strep or Mono. I thought, oh crap I can't handle being sick now. It will only put off my job searching longer and I really need to get at her. Although being sick is being sick so I could have let it slide. Anyways this doctor needed to get a swab of my throat tissues, so rather then gently and calmly putting that thing down my throat she jams it down like she's in a rush to get the sample out. I began to gag and physically removed her hand from my throat. And then she got pissed off at me. "Hello Lady, that hurts!!" She tries again with the same force, hopefully she actually got something because I still struggled.

Anyways the pharmaist was saying that if I have a choice I want strep rather then mono. Mono will take more out of me and take longer to feel better. Strep should be fine within a few days and should be cleared with the antibiotics that I was prescribed. I'm not sick though but am worried about being sick. The symptoms include fever and the like, but doesn't really say whether your expected to be sick if you have strep. We'll see I guess.

Well my roommate is now home and since he sleeps on the couch I'm probably annoying him with my presence and my typing. (And it's almost four in the morning so I should try to get more rest).

Hope all is well and more blogging to come shortly. (Anyone watch the Office the other night? Feel like discussing it?)


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