Thursday, September 21, 2006


it's blog time.

I didn't mean to check. Well i did mean to check, i just thought the outcome was going to be different. I'm talking about msngeeks. if you've never heard of it, it lets you know who's deleted you from their msn lists and lets you know who still has you on their lists even though you've deleted them. It's not a good thing to check but when it's not checked out of evil intentions then it could be fine.

Todays check took me by surprise. I haven't been online able to check sites like that so I'm not sure how long I've been deleted. I have people on my list that i don't talk to that often and I feel like I won't much in the future. I was checking because I feel like if they have deleted me then I won't feel so bad about deleting them.

Different peoples msn lists are different. My friend R keeps his list strickly to his close friends. I'm not on his list even though out of his boyfriends friends, I'm R's favourite. I was disgruntled about R's deletion of me but C explained it to me and it's fine. If you only have 5 people on you list and I'm not a close close friend then i should be expected to remain on your list for long. But other people like my 15 year old sister have 100's of people on their list. But i'm probably in the middle. When someone doesn't talk to me and I have little plans on talking to them, I normally delete them. it's nothing personal, I just don't want to be bothered by constant pop-ups of people who I don't really care if they are online or not.

on with the current story... I was shocked to see that B, a guy that I've been friends with for the past year has deleted me. I hadn't seen him online for a while and so I emailed him. After not recieving a reply I began to be worried and called his cell. No answer. I don't mean to jump to the worst case senario but it happens when you loose contact all of a sudden like that. So i emailed his boss, who was also my boss when B and I met, asking her if he had maybe moved or maybe he was just super busy. Well, she said that he was still there and busy, but it's government so I know that he comes home 8 hours after his shift and would have all the time in the world to reply to a voice mail or email.

The conclusion i came to, because it's me and I have over analyzed this, is that he has realized that I wasn't interested in him and that we'd never work out. But i wanted a friendship and I don't understand why he's run after a year of friendships and mindsweeper. anyways. what would you do? email him confronting his absence or just letting him go?


Blogger Sarah said...

Personally, I'd let him go. Boys can be particular about friendships with girls and, in my experience, they're not great with keeping in touch.

You made an honest effort. And you were always better at Mindsweeper!

9:34 a.m.  
Blogger GALA said...

Guys are awful about keeping in touch. They aren't like us ladies for sure. I'd let it go. There are more fabulous people out there that you can meet.

BTW, thanks for the job search tip! I appreciate it.

4:33 p.m.  

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