Monday, July 31, 2006

LUB - Day 20

It was classic, and I don’t mean to underestimate his pain, but I should have expected his drama.

Yes, another story about Lazy Urban Boy. Everyone who’s listened to my stories about LUB knows that he’s the first one to complain of any injuries. Pulling Swallow-wort wasn’t fun and he sprained his foot a few days before so he couldn’t walk. Another day painting wasn’t his favourite task and his back hurt. And then he was bored with the weedwacker and so he began to complain about the strain to his arms. Etcetera, Etcetera, Etcetera.

So today I shouldn’t have been surprised when he came walking up to me with his hand bandaged like a cast. I had skipped break to keep nailing and let the crew know to just get back at it in 15 minutes. I felt bad and thought what if something bad happens to them and I don’t know cause I choose to work.

“What happened Pumpkin?” I asked. Apparently over the weekend he was fishing with a buddy and he got the fishing line around his fingers. It cut his skin apparently and the hammering had reopened his wounds.

Ah pour baby, I thought with a very sarcastic frame of mind. If your two fingers are bleeding, wrap the fingers not the hand. I continued to think. But whatever, if I don’t baby him then he’s going to tell his mommy again and then it’ll come back to me again. I’ve given up previous thoughts that I will work them hard. They know they can push my buttons and have shown that their means of pushing buttons shows no boundaries. I have almost ceased to care. It’s evaluation time soon too, and knowing you’re liked never hurt anyone.

Figures though eh? I mean, he could really be in pain and unable to hammer, but still, another injury for LUB, none for anyone else.


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