Friday, January 27, 2006

a twist in the days events

My mornings are normally the same. I wake up around nine, give or take an hour, put on a pair of socks and throw my University of Waterloo sweater over my pj’s. With more then 8 hours since I’ve checked my email I walk into my computer room, switch on my computer, log onto the internet and check if I have new emails, but normally I don’t. Still unpopular, but still not concerned. My day then begins by reading job descriptions and attempting at cover letters. Every morning between the time I wake up and the time I’ve actually accomplished something I make a pot of tea, for the past week it’s been a black speciality blend, but anyone knows I have a variety of blacks or green teas at any given moment. But today, even though the same process of events took place, I had an interesting morning.

First, as I was standing in my computer room looking dazed towards the sun I noticed a bird on the tree. It was a nuthatch, and noticeably because it was walking face first towards the ground. Apparently not many birds do that, and it is a big distinguishing feature for the nuthatch. Well, he lifted his head and flew away from the tree, away from the tree, but towards me. As I watched the nuthatch fly towards me I expected him to elevate above the house and fly out of site, but to my surprise he didn’t elevate and flew directly into the window. My mind jumped to the many times Randy and I would feel much responsibly as children to teach the baby Robins to fly. They would have fallen out of the nest and the mother would have disappeared. So in blue sexy long johns, my sweatshirt, and my socks I run outside thinking that maybe, just maybe, I’d have to help this nuthatch regain consciousness. I was more excited to touch a little bird then the duties of teaching him how to fly, but anything to be a hero I guess. But he was gone and I didn’t need to help him after all, I guess he didn’t hit the window that hard, but when dealing with a new bird species you don’t know how sensitive they are to bruises.

Well a few moments later I was standing in the dinning room looking at the woodpecker feeder, watching a small Downy woodpecker peck at the feed when I heard a familiar bird sound. I like to think I can identify between 25-50% of North American birds but I can’t do sounds yet. So as I am looking around for this familiar bird I see him. I haven’t seen many of them for about a month and then when I did see them I saw so many I probably should have gotten sick of them. It was my bluejay, sitting very majestically on the tree branch. I was very surprised and tried not to move but decided that I should go check on the chickens.

The chickens are dumb, nothing special happens with them and the only stories they create is when one of them dies for no apparent reason and I have to take them out to the burning pile to be taken by a fox or something that coming night. But as I am standing in the barn looking for a pair of scissors I hear what sounds like a million rats rustling to get to a safer location. I don’t mind mice, but I’m sure I dislike rats. I stand still, fearing for some reason that they are all going to jump out on me and if I act like I’m dead they will leave me be. However, as I’m watching like a hawk, the direction of the footsteps I see a little guy peaking out to see if the coast is clear and safe for him to move from one hiding spot to another. He wasn’t a rat, nor was he a mouse, and I looked closely thinking he was the size of a chipmunk (which I love watching) but knowing he wasn’t the typical brown. In fact, they were baby squirrels. I saw a few more in my walk through the barn and began to throw rusted nails at the direction of the pattering. I heard them running around scared crapless for a few moments and then decided that I was better to waste my time watching the stupid chickens do nothing but quack, I’m assuming about their food choices seeing as its very bland, then it was to give the time of day to the squirrels.

Exciting eh? Well it seems like I am on a role with excitement and maybe while I shower and make Mr. Noodle (of course I don’t do them at the same time, but they are two objectives to complete today) more excitement will prevail. Unlikely, but just maybe.

(I need a life, *sigh*)


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