Friday, December 10, 2004

there is no song i'm in the mood for.

I think my computer is running very slow today. it didn't seem to like it when i started the blog. So about the title. i have a few songs on my computer, but i've either listened to them too much or because they are too sappy. That's also why i have to stop listening to country. But i can't really think of a song that will hlep me feel better. Last night at work i heard King of Wishful thinking by Go west i think. it's on the pretty women soundtrack so every girl should have heard about it. I've used it before to get over crushes, but now it's too cliched. It's been used as a get over it song and there should be something else. that's what i dislike about music the most, people classify country as being too "hickish" and too "sappy" but its just that it's in a different way then the popular culture likes to address sap. There are many songs that have been sung by both a pop and a country artist and people still have the nerve to say that the pop one is better becasue it's not country. it's the same bloody song, don't go judging. Actually currently i have "so this is Christmas" playing by John Lennon. it's cool becasue it's not addressing love or heart ache. it's bringing me out of that world. i wish more music could do that and it seems like the music that isn't about heartaches or love is just not a desirable sound.

So i had lunch with my friend Soleil today. it was nice having a reason to leave the house. the walk of freshair is a lot better then sitting here, but i still dont feel like walking when i'm upset or annoyed at things. i've been really busy with school this semester and i haven't really had time for friends. i only have one exam this semester so i don't really need to study hard core yet. although i have scheduled at least 3 hours of studying to do today. maybe later. i can say that now cause it's only 2. at six if i'm still saying 'i'll do it later' it probably won't get done.

This is the song. no matter how cheesy 98 degrees are now the song "the hardest thing" relates to my love life more then anything. it tells my feelings pretty close to the actual feeling. Although it's just not a song that's going to make me feel better after a few days. i'm going to get sick of the before the lyrics actually help. it still makes me feel pretty bad how i had to do this to myself and mikey. Oh well, it does feel a lot better knowing that i am no longer holding that stress in.

Well i should sign off now. i should get some reading of my devotions done and maybe open my school books.


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4:21 p.m.  
Blogger Mohamed Abdel Aziz said...

قري الساحل الشمالي

8:23 a.m.  

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